et us help you
Increase Energy Efficiency
Log Pro is proud to offer energy sealing to our customers. Using a special sealant, our professionals will seal your log home from all of the elements mother nature can throw at you. Energy sealing can stop air and water infiltration by sealing all the seams, joints, doors, windows, log ends, log abutments, and checks in your home. By closing off these entry points, you can stop cold drafts from sweeping through your home and increase its energy efficiency by as much as 30%. Energy sealant also stops insects such as stink bugs, lady bugs, and cluster flies from entering.
The sealant is highly elastic for use in gaps up to 1 inch wide, and looks like traditional mortar. It can also be matched to log surfaces to give you a seamless finish. It mimics wood texture and accepts stain colors so that you can easily blend it into any wood joint. Our energy sealant is not a caulk, and as such does a much better job at not only sealing off your home, but looking good.
Don’t settle for a quick fix. Getting your log home sealed properly will save you money and headaches in the long run. Contact us today to learn more about our energy sealing services.